Our goal is to match the right person with the right job and harness heir talents effectively.The issue is not the absence of talent, but rather the methodology of talent management. Managers are responsible for constructing a "stage" for each employee, providing a creative environment that empowers employees to become true "masters" of the enterprise. Assign tasks based on an employee's abilities to maximize their potential. In the employment system”。
we have implemented a mechanism of probationary employees, qualified employees, and excellent employees, coexisting together to create a well-rounded workforce. In the cadre system, the primary goal of human resource development and management of "Youse" is to maximize the potential of every individual, enabling them to experience the competitive pressures of both the enterprise and the market daily. By doing so, they are empowered to turn this pressure into a source of competitive advantage, which is the key to ensuring sustainable enterprise development
在位要受控,升遷靠競爭“在位要受控”有兩個含義:一是干部 主觀上要能夠自我控制、自我約束,有自律意識,二是公司要建立控制體系,控制工作方向、工作目標,避免犯方向性錯誤;再就是控制財務,避免違法違紀?!吧?遷靠競爭”是指有關職能部門應建立一個更為明確的競爭體系,讓優(yōu)秀的人才能夠順著這個體系上來,讓每個人既感到有壓力,又能夠盡情施展才華,不至于埋沒人 才。
人材、人才、人財 ? 人材--這類是未來的“人才”,需要社會來雕琢,企業(yè)來投入,其本人也有要成材的愿望。 ? 人才--“才能杰出者”即為人才,這類人能夠迅速融入工作、能夠立刻上手。 ? 人財--在“人才”的基礎上磨練出的“人財”,這類人通過其努力能為企業(yè)帶來巨大財富。
Address:No.3 Building,Zhongzhan Industrial Park,Furong Rd.,Tantou Community,
Songgang St.,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China
E-mail:[email protected]
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